
IEEE P70003 Standard on Algorithmic Bias is published!

Congratulations to the everyone involved throughout the 7-year journey to develop the  IEEE P70003 Standard on Algorithmic Bias, which was published in January 2025.




The IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems (A/IS) was launched in April 2016, with the goal of ensuring that ethical aspects of human well-being are considered in the design and manufacture of technology. These include individual, community, and societal ethical values, and the Initiative aims to ensure that every stakeholder involved in the design and development of such technologies is able to prioritize these ethical considerations.

The initiation of IEEE P7003 came in conjunction with the release of the IEEE publication Ethically Aligned Design: A Vision for Prioritizing Human Wellbeing with Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systemsa document that encouraged technologists to prioritize ethical considerations in the creation of autonomous and intelligent technologies. Both the document and IEEE P7003 were inspired by the work being done in The IEEE Global Initiative for Ethical Considerations in Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems. Former Horizon Senior Research Fellow Ansgar Koene chaired the P7003 Working Group on Algorithmic Bias and Senior Research Fellow Liz Dowthwaite held the appointment of secretary for the group.
















“Engineers and technologists, and the organizations they work for, need to provide clarity around how the issues of bias are addressed in the creation and application of algorithms,” said Dr. Ansgar Koene, “This standard will provide the required accountability to show algorithms are developed and applied without issues of negative bias aimed at protected characteristics of individuals or groups, including such considerations as race, gender and sexuality.”