Horizon CDT – Creating our Lives in Data


From its start-up in 2009 through to our final intake in 2023, the Horizon Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT), based at The University of Nottingham, has received multi-million-pound investments from the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), The University of Nottingham and over 50 industry partners.

Horizon recruited over 155 students across 15 cohorts for its PhD programme, with applicants coming from a diverse range of disciplines, including human factors, positioning, computer science, engineering, business, geography, psychology, sociology, mathematics, human-computer interaction (HCI) and other fields across the arts, sciences and social sciences.

Students on the four-year PhD programme have engaged in a unique combination of PhD research, interdisciplinary training and industry-driven innovation, complemented by an industrial placement.

In collaboration with industry and international partners, Horizon students have developed technologies, applications and principles that enable citizens to construct their digital identities from personal data and manage them effectively to derive economic and social value.

Visit the Horizon CDT website to learn about our research areas, the training programme and many collaborations.

Horizon CDT Impact Brochure Creating Our Lives in Data