hazel.sayers's Posts

Our Theatre Royal Nottingham: Its Stories, People & Heritage

Jeffrey Richards, Professor of Cultural History at the University at Lancaster will present this informative and fascinating talk based on his book The Golden Age of Pantomime – Slapstick, Spectacle and […]

Richard Ramchurn to present at ProConnectMCR

Richard Ramchurn has been invited to talk and exhibit his work around affective filmic brain computer interface technology at ProConnectMCR: Connecting the worlds of Games, Film and Tech at Seventy7 […]

CDT Brochure launched – Broadening Horizons in the Digital Economy

Horizon Centre for Doctoral Training recently launched its annual brochure ‘Broadening Horizons in the Digital Economy’ 2017 to support an Industry Day held on 11th October at the Sir Colin […]

The Moment – Project update

The MOMENT, a brain controlled film, Funded by EPRSC – My Life in Data, The Arts Council and in partnership with The University of Nottingham’s Mixed Reality Lab, FACT and B3 […]

Dinosaur Orienteering

As part of Nottingham’s Big Summer, Nottingham City Council organised 6 afternoon sessions in August and September where families could meet Park Rangers and take on the challenge of completing […]