hazel.sayers's Posts

Adaptive Podcasts – Wrapping up

It has proved a busy time for Adaptive Podcasts as it nears completion. Following work to explore consumer appetite towards adopting this new kind of podcast, came a period of […]

An introduction to FAILSAFE

FAILSAFE is one of our Consumer Product Campaign projects. It aims to develop an understanding of how robotic technologies can be integrated as consumer products into the home environment, to […]

Adaptive Interactive Movies – Partnership working – a Case Study

When University of Nottingham and Horizon Digital Economy Research academic and filmmaker Richard Ramchurn wanted to push the boundaries of how interactive a film could be, he turned to former […]

Everything in Moderation – Coming to an End

As part of this project, we were keen to engage with communities that use online media platforms providing E2EE (End to end encryption) messaging facilities, i.e. WhatsApp, SnapChat and Reddit, […]

Innovating cultural products for the creative industries

Horizon and the Mixed Reality Lab at the University of Nottingham have collaborated on several digital creative research projects over the years. Our Media Campaign ran a number of performance-led […]