hazel.sayers's Posts

Everything in Moderation?

Trends and Challenges for online communities from public forums to end-to-end encrypted communication  Encrypted messaging applications such as Face Book Messenger and WhatsApp are now widely adopted. The use of […]

Keynote at SiRAcon

Christian Wagner, PI on our Uncovering Consumer Consensus project gave a keynote at SiRAcon on handling uncertainty in risk, flagging how articulating uncertainty can rapidly afford benefits, from better understanding […]

Future Machine Spring 2022 update

Read the latest on the Future machine – an artist-led project planned to continue for 30 years, a witness to when the future comes, however and whatever the future brings. […]

An introduction to ‘Adaptive Podcasts’

The Adaptive Podcasts project started on the 1st of May and is a collaboration partnering the BBC R&D and Lancaster University. Over 48 million podcast episodes were published worldwide up […]

The Right to Repair and Equal-IoT

Neelima Sailaja, Horizon Transitional Assistant Professor and Co-Investigator on this newly funded project explains “The explosion of IoT devices on the market and constant encouragement to upgrade is creating a […]