hazel.sayers's Posts

Future Festivals – Exploring online and hybrid festival opportunities

I don’t know if you noticed, but 2020/21 has been a bit of a rough time for festivals. No gathering in public spaces, no public performances, no sitting around on […]

Understanding Interaction and Perception in Mediated Work with Cobots

Horizon’s Agile project ‘Robots Mediating Interaction’ will develop our understanding of three key things: How people perceive collaborative robots (‘cobots’) – how they think about /of them as artefacts, agents […]

Future Festivals – UPBEAT Festival of Culture, Learning and Wellbeing

Our Co-Production Campaign project Future Festivals will be supporting the delivery of UPBEAT Festival of Culture, Learning and Wellbeing on 22nd July.  Listen to Joel Hall (Streampark) talk to BBC […]

Connected Kitchen

The importance of the kitchen is undeniable. We use our kitchens to store, prepare, clean, cook and entertain. Therefore, the way we perceive and behave in this area – be […]

SoDis update

SoDis is about visualising measures of busyness to support people’s decisions about the places and spaces they visit. With that in mind, it became far too quiet with the restrictions […]