hazel.sayers's Posts

Minimal Intervention Distributed Account System (MIDAS)

In the social ‘messiness’ of the real-world, digital identities are not often neatly siloed within individual services and accounts. Instead they often intersect with each other, mirroring offline social interactions. […]

Horizon Impact Brochure 2021

We are delighted to share our latest Impact Brochure which includes articles that evidence the impact of our research, key highlights over the last 18 months and the vision of […]

Internship opportunity: HOR-INTERN-2021-01

Coronavirus Discourses (AHRC  Funding: AH/V015125/1) To apply, please complete the Internships Application Form Closing date Applications must be made before 30th June 2021 and are assessed on an ongoing basis. […]

TANSEC study – call for feedback

The Tangible Security project (TANSEC) aims to offer a more secure and accessible means to control IoT devices in from outside the home. A common approach to securing end-to-end connectivity […]

Empowering Consumers by Identifying Hidden Consensus

Modern manufacturing methods make it ever more feasible to personalise products – but how precisely do consumers know what they want? Of course, this varies – but in practice people […]