hazel.sayers's Posts

Move fast and break things? or is it time for more reflective approaches to innovation?

Technology is developing with overwhelming speed. Innovation in the technology sector is the source of great benefits to humanity but conversely also great harm. Through enabling technology developers and researchers […]

Call for Participants – Building Conversational Interfaces

Krishika Khemani research intern is studying how teams develop and implement conversational interfaces.  She is currently looking to interview practitioners who have experience building conversational interfaces for a client. In […]

Brain-computer interface technology – How long until our thoughts are commodified?

We are tracked across the internet. Our attention is quantified and sold on social media platforms designed to keep us compulsively swiping for the next dopamine hit. It is no […]

Design of ‘Data Dialogues’ in Media Recommenders

Media recommender systems have been one of the flagbearers for the turn towards using personal data to enhance media experiences. From collaborative filtering and content-based recommenders, to demographic, knowledge based, […]

Congratulations to Neelima Sailaja

Congratulations to Neelima on her new post as Transitional Assistant Professor with Horizon.