hazel.sayers's Posts

Welcome Tom

We are delighted to welcome Tom Lodge to Horizon.  Tom has expertise in networking technologies, interaction design and data visualisation. Having spent several years working as a research assistant at […]

MeMa 2.0 and Consent: Who will look after your Memory Machine?

MeMa 2.0 follows ‘The Memory Machine’ – a feasibility study funded by Horizon’ Services Campaign. What is MeMa? MeMa aims to contextualise personal memories into timelines to create a range of outcomes […]

Submission of evidence to The Ada Lovelace Institute

The Ada Lovelace Institute recently called for evidence to support a new project exploring the risks and benefits of private and public sector vaccine passports and COVID status apps. Sharing […]

Detecting Fake Aerial Imagery – call for participants

Matthew Yates is in his third year with Horizon CDT.  Partnered with the Defence Science and Technology laboratory (Dstl), Matthews’ PhD is about the detection of deep learning generated aerial […]

Nostalgic Gifting – Call for participants

Gifting is a tradition in which people all over the world are familiar with and partake in habitually. Reciprocal gifting has been a part of life from primitive societies and […]