Horizon’s Agile project ‘Robots Mediating Interaction’ will develop our understanding of three key things: How people perceive collaborative robots (‘cobots’) – how they think about /of them as artefacts, agents […]
Our Co-Production Campaign project Future Festivals will be supporting the delivery of UPBEAT Festival of Culture, Learning and Wellbeing on 22nd July. Listen to Joel Hall (Streampark) talk to BBC […]
The importance of the kitchen is undeniable. We use our kitchens to store, prepare, clean, cook and entertain. Therefore, the way we perceive and behave in this area – be […]
SoDis is about visualising measures of busyness to support people’s decisions about the places and spaces they visit. With that in mind, it became far too quiet with the restrictions […]
In the social ‘messiness’ of the real-world, digital identities are not often neatly siloed within individual services and accounts. Instead they often intersect with each other, mirroring offline social interactions. […]