hazel.sayers's Posts


  Call for Projects Are you the creative who needs to skill up? Do you have an amazing story to tell across a range of platforms? Does your project need […]

WayWard update

Horizon’s WayWard project, which was funded by the Health Foundation, has recently published an interview analysis of coordination behaviours in Out-of-Hours secondary care in the journal Applied Ergonomics. Funding from […]


Professor Sue Black launches TechUPWomen at the first of a series of residential weekends.  Watch this YouTube video for more information about the new digital training programme targeted at women.

WISEParks online survey – let us have your views…

As part of the WISEParks project we are trying to understand how parks are being used and how we might use data to improve and manage the facilities.  This survey […]

CDEI Landscape Summary: Bias in Algorithmic Decision-Making

Great to see the ‘Fairness Toolkit’ – a resource developed as part of the EPSRC funded UnBias project – featuring in the Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation Landscape Summary: […]