hazel.sayers's Posts

Information Commissioner’s Office: Call for evidence – Age Appropriate Design Code

When children can master a tablet before they learn to ride a bike, then the websites and apps they use must be designed with consideration of their rights and needs […]

UnBias Fairness Toolkit launched

The Fairness Toolkit has been developed for UnBias by Giles Lane and his team at Proboscis, with the input of young people and stakeholders. It is one of our project outputs aiming to promote […]

The Guardian: We need to talk about….. the impact of Artificial Intelligence

Dr Ansgar Koene, Senior Research Fellow at Horizon Digital Economy Research talks about his research into digital media – how it impacts on society and ‘trust’,  in The Guardians podcast […]

Wander Anywhere and VisitorBox at COMPASS – 6th & 7th September

  University of Nottingham Digital Research Specialist, Ben Bedwell, is heading to San Francisco later on in the week to showcase Wander Anywhere and VisitorBox to museum professionals, researchers and […]

Research Associate/Fellow in IT Law (fixed term)

Broaden your Horizons: Research Fellowship in Law and the Digital Economy The Digital Economy is reshaping the world around us, but the very nature of this disruption to businesses, society […]