hazel.sayers's Posts

Richard Ramchurns ‘The Moment’ to represent the UK at SPARK

Richard Ramchurn will represent the UK at SPARK in Hong Kong January 2019. ‘The Moment’ will feature at SPARK – a place for debate, inspiration and visionary thinking. A brand-new […]

Horizon Services Campaign – call for participants

How do you think about your personal data? Our Services Campaign cross cutting ‘Engagement’ theme is calling for participants to complete an online questionnaire to examine the ways in which […]

Giannis Haralabopoulos

Giannis joined Horizon as Research Fellow a little over 6 months ago. He told us… “On a Tuesday morning, 14th of January 1997, I received my first computer. It was […]

ReEnTrust call for participants

Do you trust online platforms or services? Do you care? We would like to invite people aged 16-25 years old to take part in an interactive workshop which will explore […]

BerryNet is collaborating with Databox to give the control over use of data back to users.

Collaboration between BerryNet and Databox will enable a new option for future IoT developers. Instead of taking users’ data and keeping it in the cloud, risking breaking the trust between […]