Horizon's Posts

Pro2 Network+ Theme 3: Infrastructure for Device Production 2024

The theme for this call is ‘Infrastructure for device production’. Creators of conventional electronic devices can generally create early prototypes by themselves, but as they look to refine and scale […]

Newham Citizen Science Fair

On Saturday 17th February, Newham, London held its first ever citizen science fair. This was an opportunity for local people to come along and hear from local technology practitioners about the technology […]

Mid blog

We are a few months into the EFRESH project and are embarking on our initial data collection. We are looking for a range of people to interview, so please read […]

hoRRIzon 3.0 mid-point

One of the objectives of introducing Horizon’s cross cutting theme was to stock check our own processes and practices around Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI), to energise them with new […]

hoRRIzon 3.0 – Storytelling and Responsible Innovation workshops

The hoRRIzon 3.0 legacy and impact project has been exploring what “Responsible Research and Innovation” (RRI) means to different people and how researchers can carry out research in a responsible […]