Horizon's Posts

HOME:Zero mid-point

The concept of HOME:Zero was to co-design, produce narrative and build an installation, using paintings from the National Gallery collection to kick start conversations to support children’s understanding on the […]

Welcome Gisela

We are delighted to welcome Gisela, who is a Research Fellow based in the Mixed Reality Lab at the University of Nottingham. Gisela is currently investigating collaboration with, trust in, […]

Partway through Open All Senses

We are now half-way through the Open All Senses project and have been focusing on identifying the legal, ethical and social challenges of using telepresence robots in public spaces, using […]

Adaptive Interactive Movies – Before We Disappear screening at Broadway Cinema

Before We Disappear is an interactive film created by filmmaker Richard Ramchurn, Principal Investigator overseeing Horizon’s Co-Production Campaign project ‘Adaptive Interactive Movies’. The film is set in the year 2042 […]

Public Engagement at the Festival of Science and Curiosity

We are pleased to be participating in the Festival of Science and Curiosity next month. Our HOME:Zero project: Inspiring Children as Drivers for Change, will be inviting children (6-10 years) […]