Horizon's Posts

Why do I care about Responsible Digital Futures?

Having worked on the area of digital mental health for the last 10 years, I always wondered if data ethics or other formal regulatory frameworks offer enough protection to people. […]

Adaptive Interactive Movies – final blog

The overarching aim for this research project was to explore how, from viewing an audience’s real-time reactions to cinematic narrative content, could a computer vision system imply ongoing engagement and […]

An update from The Future Machine

News for 2023 Future Machine will continue wayfaring across England to: Rotherfield Peppard, a rural village in Oxfordshire as winter turns to spring Christ Church Gardens, an inner city memorial […]

Welcome Eike

We are delighted to welcome Eike to Horizon.           Eike is a postdoctoral researcher focusing on Human-Computer and Robot Interaction (HCI/HRI). Specifically, he focuses on how […]

Domesticating Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging – findings and implications

The need to speed up the shift towards more sustainable fuels remains a hot topic and in November during COP27, the UK and partners announced new measures to drive the […]