Horizon's Posts

Before We Disappear – an interactive film that adapts its story to its audience

‘Before We Disappear‘ is an an interactive film created by Richard Ramchurn which uses face recognition technology to adapt its storyline to the audience. The film was made as part […]

Studying effect of media polarization in disseminating net zero policies – midpoint blog

Recommender systems determine, to a large extent, the amount of information, news and even art we are exposed in the digital space. This is why at Horizon, we wish to […]

HOME:Zero mid-point

The concept of HOME:Zero was to co-design, produce narrative and build an installation, using paintings from the National Gallery collection to kick start conversations to support children’s understanding on the […]

Welcome Gisela

We are delighted to welcome Gisela, who is a Research Fellow based in the Mixed Reality Lab at the University of Nottingham. Gisela is currently investigating collaboration with, trust in, […]

Partway through Open All Senses

We are now half-way through the Open All Senses project and have been focusing on identifying the legal, ethical and social challenges of using telepresence robots in public spaces, using […]