Horizon's Posts

HoRRIzon – Responsible Research and Innovation: institutions and policy

Responsible Research and Innovation: institutions and policy The HoRRIzon project has been investigating potential policy impact of responsible research and innovation (RRI) and how it can become more prominent in […]

Join researchers from University of Nottingham at the Broadway this half term for some exciting activities

Horizon Digital Economy Research has been working with Roma Patel, a scenographer and digital artist since 2013. Roma is an Alumni of the Horizon Centre for Doctoral Training – her […]

Submission of research evidence features in House of Lords Report

The House of Commons Justice and Home Affairs Committee has released a Report: Technology rules? The advent of new technologies in the justice system, following an inquiry into new technologies […]

Research visit to America!

Earlier this week we spoke to Pepi Barnard, a Research Associate at Horizon. Pepi is currently touring America. “Travelling to and around the USA this month is exciting and a […]

Welcome Emma

We are delighted to welcome Emma Mcclaughlin to Horizon. Emma is a linguist with expertise in corpus linguistics and discourse analysis. She currently works as part of an interdisciplinary team […]