
Do you want to know more about issues of online fairness?

Would you like the opportunity to learn more and to share your views with others?

We are seeking feedback from people between the ages of 18 and 29 years old to try out a newly created tool (a deck of cards) to raise awareness and explore issues of online unfairness.

You are invited to take part in two workshops on Wednesday 14th November and Wednesday 28th November, both starting at 2pm in A19, Nottingham Geospatial Building, Jubilee Campus, NG7 2TU.

Each workshop will last approximately 2 hours. You must attend both workshops.

The aim of the workshops are

  • To seek your feedback on a deck of cards that have been designed to allow individuals to explore issues of online unfairness and how these issues should be addressed.
  • To try out some of the exercises contained within the deck of cards.
  • Design other methods and ways of engaging with the cards for your age group.

This will involve paper-based activities and discussion, and you will be thanked for your time with a £20 high street voucher.

For more information, and to sign up for the workshop, please email Dr Liz Dowthwaite