Horizon Blog

From Academia to Policy: My Experience with the UKRI Internship Scheme at the Welsh Parliament

post by Charlotte Lenton (2019 cohort) UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) offer a competitive policy internship scheme for doctoral students to embed themselves in real-world policy organisations for three months. […]

Horia Maior – new paper

Telepresence Robots for Remote Participation in Higher Education Junrui Hu, Gisela Reyes-Cruz, Horia Alexandru Maior, Joel Fischer Telepresence robotics enable people to synchronously communicate and interact at a distance. The […]

Neelima Sailaja – new paper

User-Centred Repair: From Current Practices to Future Design Damla, Kilic & Neelima Sailaja: From the kitchen to the bathroom, homes are now equipped with various technological devices like smart vacuums, […]

Horia to join Max Wilson at this year’s Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition

Horizon Transitional Assistant Professor, Horia Maior will be joining Dr Max Wilson, Associate Professor of Human-Computer Interaction, School of Computer Science, University of Nottingham at the Royal Society Summer Science […]

FAILSAFE midpoint

FAILSAFE is part of Horizons Consumer Product Campaign. We are investigating the reality of robots entering the domestic setting through a lens of failure – how might domestic robots fail? […]