Horizon Blog

Everything in Moderation?

Trends and Challenges for online communities from public forums to end-to-end encrypted communication  Encrypted messaging applications such as Face Book Messenger and WhatsApp are now widely adopted. The use of […]

An introduction to ‘Adaptive Podcasts’

The Adaptive Podcasts project started on the 1st of May and is a collaboration partnering the BBC R&D and Lancaster University. Over 48 million podcast episodes were published worldwide up […]

Robots Mediating Interaction extension

Sometimes things can take longer than expected and our work towards developing a Wizard of Oz (WoZ) platform to drive ‘Robin’ the service robot – housed at the Cobot Maker […]

The Future Machine – celebrating the blossoming trees on 20th April

The Future Machine will be appearing in Christ Church Gardens, Ilkeston Road in Nottingham on Wednesday 20th April to celebrate the blossoming trees at sundown. Come along and join us […]

Finishing up: Empowering Consumers by Identifying Hidden Consensus comes to an end

The Horizon project ‘Uncovering Consumer Consensus’ is coming to its end, but team members are still busy with final reports and deriving outputs. It has been an exciting project and […]