Horizon Blog

Sentiment Project’s first time in Indonesia

Diane Wiltshire from Birmingham Open Media shares her experience in the vibrant area of Old Town (Kota Tua) Jakarta and how it feels like to bring Sentiment project for the […]

Smart Mobility User Design – Public Workshop at Nottingham Videogame Arcade

Smart Mobility is a research project funded by Horizon, taking place in partnership with a leading car manufacturers. The User Design element of this project focuses on how we might […]

Databox: summary of Mozfest events and official launch



Invisible is a Horizon Impact project combining creative approaches to Human Computer Interaction (HCI) research with the development of a new artwork where a mirrored surface becomes an escape from the […]

Is Pokemon Go just the beginning?

I’m both excited and intrigued by this week’s hullaballoo around Pokémon Go. These are the words of Steve Benford, Professor of Computer Science & EPSRC Dream Fellow and Professor of Collaborative […]