Horizon Blog

hoRRIzon 3.0 mid-point

One of the objectives of introducing Horizon’s cross cutting theme was to stock check our own processes and practices around Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI), to energise them with new […]

hoRRIzon 3.0 – Storytelling and Responsible Innovation workshops

The hoRRIzon 3.0 legacy and impact project has been exploring what “Responsible Research and Innovation” (RRI) means to different people and how researchers can carry out research in a responsible […]

Hybrid Relics Project visits the University of Oxford: AI, Artefacts, Collections & Archives – mid blog

Written by Dr Alan Chamberlain (Principal Investigator) On the 30th of November 2023, the Hybrid Relics team attended Horizon’s  ‘Away Day and Advisory Board Meeting’ at the Park Plaza in […]

Fixing the Future: Right to Repair Workshop

The Fixing the Future: Right to Repair and Equal IoT project, is running an online workshop “Right to Repair card deck evaluation” in January. The workshop aims to gather valuable […]

Dive into RRI and beyond – hoRRIzon 3.0 legacy and impact project

The hoRRIzon 3.0 project builds on previous work within Horizon Digital Economy Research and the Trustworthy Autonomy Systems (TAS) Hub which explored and supported Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) practice […]