One of Horizon’s key aims is to support informed policy setting in the digital economy and we actively monitor the UK and European Parliament, independent authorities, regulators and scientific academies to contribute evidence and develop recommendations for decision makers.
January 2025: IEEE Advancing Technology for Humanity: 7003-2024 Standard for Consideration of Bias
May 2023: Competition and Markets Authority: AI Foundation Models: Initial Review
June 2022: UK Parliament DCMS Connected tech: smart or sinister? inquiry
January 2022: UK Parliament Science and Technology Committee: The right to privacy: Digital Data inquiry
November 2021: DCMS: Data: a new direction Consultation
October 2021: DCMS Audience protection standards on Video-on-Demand Services Consultation
September 2021: ICO Draft Online Safety Bill (Joint Committee) Call for Evidence
September 2021: House of Lords Justice and Home Affairs Committee: New technologies and the application of the law inquiry
March 2021: Law Commission Automated Vehicles Consultation
February 2021: Ada Lovelace Institute call for public evidence: Vaccine Passports and COVID Status Apps
January 2021: Competition Markets Authority: Algorithms, Competition and Consumer Harm call for information
November 2020: UK National Strategy (NDS) Consultation
November 2020: ICO Consultation on the draft Statutory guidance
October 2020: Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Sub-committee formal meeting – Online Harms and Disinformation
October 2020: European Data Protection Board Call for comments to Guidelines 07/2020 on the concepts of controller and processor in the GDPR
October 2020: UK Government Review of Representative Actions Provisions, Section 189 Data Protection Act 2018
October 2020: Contribution towards Parliamentary Research Briefing POSTnote Interpretable machine learning
September 2020: Call for views on the Government’s proposals for regulating the cyber security of consumer ‘smart’ products
August 2020: Royal Society Call for Evidence: Technologies for Spreading and Detecting Misinformation
July 2020: The Government’s response to COVID-19: human rights implications inquiry
June (23) 2020: Dr Ansgar Koene invited as a guest speaker at the Westminster eForum ‘Next steps for online regulation in the UK’
June 2020: European Commission Consultation about Artificial Intelligence
May 2020: ICO Consultation on the draft AI auditing framework guidance for organisations
May 2020: Public Consultation on the European Commission’s European Strategy for Data
March 2020: UK Parliament inquiry: The Future of Public Service Broadcasting
February 2020: Competition Market Authority Consultation on OnLine Platforms and Digital Advertising (interim Report)
January 2020: European Data Protection Board Guidelines 4/2019 on Article 25 Data Protection by Design and Default Consultation
December 2019: Cyber Security Incentives & Regulation Review
October 2019: ICO Consultation on the draft framework code of practice for the use of personal data in political campaigning
September 2019: ICO Consultation on the draft data sharing code of practice
September 2019: House of Lords Select Committee Call for Evidence on Democracy and Digital Technologies
August 2019: Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy Consultation: Smart data: putting consumers in control of their data and enabling innovation
July 2019: Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation Landscape Summary: bias in algorithmic decision-making co-authored by Dr Ansgar Koene [PDF]
June 2019: Contributions towards Parliamentary Research Briefing POSTnote ‘Online Safety Education’
June 2019: Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation: Review of Online targeting
June 2019: Consultation on the Government’s Regulatory Proposals Regarding Consumer Internet of Things (IoT) Security
April 2019: European Parliament: A governance framework for algorithmic accountability and transparency – a report for the European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS) co-authored by Dr Ansgar Koene [PDF]
January 2019: Joint Committee on Human Rights: The Right to privacy (Article 8) and the Digital Revolution inquiry
June 2018: Information Commissioner’s Office Call for Evidence ‘Age Appropriate Design Code’
May 2018: Communications and Digital Committee: The Internet – to regulate or not?
April 2018: Science and Technology Committee inquiry: Impact of Social media and screen-use on young people’s health
July 2017: Lords Select Committee Call for Evidence: What are the implications of artificial intelligence?
April 2017: Science and Technology Committee (Commons) inquiry: Algorithms in decision-making
March 2017: Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee inquiry: Fake News
October 2016: Communications and Digital Committee inquiry: Children and the Internet
October 2016: Science and Technology Committee (Commons) inquiry: Role and priorities of UKRI interim chair inquiry
May 2016: Science and Technology Committee (Commons) inquiry: Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
2016: Science and Technology Committee (Commons) inquiry: Investigatory Powers Bill: technology issues
2016: Science and Technology Committee (Commons) inquiry: Digital Skills
December 2015: EU Internal Market Sub-Committee: Online Platforms and the EU Digital Single Market inquiry
2014: Commons Select Committee: Social Media data and real time analytics inquiry