Completed Research Grants

UK Research and Innovation Funding

Digital Economy Research Hubs

Centres for Doctoral Training

Digital Economy Network

 Network+ Grant

  • IT as a Utility Network+
    £1,481,000 EP/K003569/1

EPSRC Funding

Security, Privacy, Identity, Trust, and Engagement in the Digital Economy

EPSRC Fellowships

Research in the Wild and Bridging the Urban Rural Divide

Transforming Energy Demand through Digital Innovation

Transforming Energy Demand in Buildings through Digital Innovation

Future ICT-enabled Manufacturing

Standard Research Grants

IDEAS Factory: Designing Effective Research Spaces  

IDEAS Factory Sandpits

Programme Grants

Global Challenges Research Fund and Newton Fund Consolidation Award

AHRC Funding

Creative Economy Knowledge Exchange Projects

Standard Research Grants



ESRC Funding



  • The Health Foundation – Informatics to Identify and Inform Best Practice in Out of Hours Secondary Care

Other Funding Sources

Huawei Technologies Duesseldorf GmbH


Ofgem Funding – Low Carbon Networks

E.ON International Research Initiative

  • Smart Wireless Integrated Technology Control for the Home (SWITCH)

European Regional Development Fund

  • Building Enterprise – University/Community Partnerships

Google Research Awards

  • Community-Sourced Broadcasting of Local Events