
Living with AI podcast: Trustworthy and Useful Tools for Mobile Phone Extraction

Horizon Transitional Assistant Professor Helena Webb, along with Liz Dowthwaite, Senior Research Fellow and Anna-Maria Piskopani, Research Fellow, recently participated in the TAS Hub podcast series (season 4 episode 6) to talk about the Trustworthy and Useful Tools for Mobile Phone Extraction project.

Mobile phones store valuable information about geographical movements, communications behaviours and online browsing history. They are increasingly used as a source of evidence in criminal investigations. The Mobile Phone Extraction (MPE) process, involves making copies of a device belonging to suspects, victims or witnesses. The extracted data is examined by police and others in the criminal justice system during ongoing investigations.

There is a crisis of trust and practice in MPE. The ‘Trustworthy and Useful Tools for Mobile Phone Extraction’ addresses the crisis by supporting development of a trustworthy and useful platform for MPE. The project partnered with experts in software development (Telemarq) and digital forensics (Hargs Solutions).

Listen to the Podcast here.