The Conservative party in the UK promised, if elected, to force age verification on porn sites. Dr Gilad Rosner, visiting researcher at Horizon, has written a piece for the New Statesman discussing if they […]
Adler Planetarium and the University of Nottingham collaborate on a new web-based platform that engages the public in scientific research through image analysis On March 26th 2015 the Adler Planetarium and the […]
Yorgos Tzimiropoulos, Assistant Professor in Computer Science, has been awarded an EPSRC First Grant. This scheme is for new academics at the start of their career and is highly competitive, with […]
Dr Patrick Brundell, Research Fellow in the School of Computer Science, has won the Innovation category of the National Science Photography Competition organised by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research […]
Big data visualisation typically happens in discipline silos with tools rarely crossing the boundaries between then. Cross-fertilisation between disciplines has significant potential to improve both the extraction of scientific understanding […]