Smart meters could cause conflict for housemates, study shows 0610.14 Arguments about whose turn it is to do the washing up, negotiating rights to the TV remote control and disputes […]
It’s summer and Facebook news feeds are awash with idyllic, sun-drenched snapshots of family life. This kind of “sharenting” is bigger than ever but we rarely stop to think about […]
Will employers in the future watch what their staff get up to on social media? Allowing bosses or would-be employers a snoop around social media pages is a growing trend […]
“Infrastructure for the masses,” says Richard Mortier, by way of explaining what it is he’s trying to create. Mortier, a Horizon Transitional Fellow in Computer Science, is a member of […]
The Fifth Annual Digital Economy All Hands Meeting will be held this year in London. 3 – 5th December 2014. The RCUK Digital Economy Theme seeks to transform the lives of […]