
Submission of research evidence features in House of Lords Report

The House of Commons Justice and Home Affairs Committee has released a Report: Technology rules? The advent of new technologies in the justice system, following an inquiry into new technologies […]

Welcome Emma

We are delighted to welcome Emma Mcclaughlin to Horizon. Emma is a linguist with expertise in corpus linguistics and discourse analysis. She currently works as part of an interdisciplinary team […]

Data-inspired co-design for museum and gallery visitor experiences

Data is vitally important in the design of new products and services across the digital economy. This paper includes the examples of Thresholds (a project in Horizon’s Media Campaign) and […]

PETRAS Community Development event

Date: Monday 14th March 2022 Time: 14.00-15.00 PETRAS Community Development events have been created to offer the wider PETRAS community an opportunity to meet up, network and discover new things.  […]

MIDAS – User Research Sessions – call for participants

Do you share online profiles or accounts with others such as friends, family, or housemates? The Horizon Minimal Intervention Distributed Account System (MIDAS) project is exploring how sharing can be improved […]