

Professor Sue Black launches TechUPWomen at the first of a series of residential weekends.  Watch this YouTube video for more information about the new digital training programme targeted at women.

WISEParks online survey – let us have your views…

As part of the WISEParks project we are trying to understand how parks are being used and how we might use data to improve and manage the facilities.  This survey […]

CDEI Landscape Summary: Bias in Algorithmic Decision-Making

Great to see the ‘Fairness Toolkit’ – a resource developed as part of the EPSRC funded UnBias project – featuring in the Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation Landscape Summary: […]

Anthony Brown

  Our congratulations to Anthony Brown. We are delighted to announce that he has been successful in obtaining a Hermes Fellowship associated with BlueSkeye AI.

Data privacy and potentials of data use in wearable technologies

Have you ever wondered what happens with the personal data that wearable devices such as fitness trackers collect? Where it is sent and what could be the potential for enhancing […]