
Professor Derek McAuley – Guest Speaker at Grand Public Debate on AI and Machine Learning

Horizons Director, Professor Derek McAuley has been invited as a guest speaker at a Grand Public Debate on AI and Machine Learning being organised by Bath Institute for Mathematical Innovation […]

Defence against Dark Artefacts – the enemy within the wall

Led by Professor Derek McAuley, Director – Horizon Digital Economy Research, University of Nottingham, the Defence Against Dark Artefacts (DADA) project is one of eleven projects receiving a total of […]

Horizon CDT Studentships for 2018

The Horizon Centre for Doctoral Training is now advertising PhD Studentships to start in September 2018. The technologies of digital identity and personal data raise some of the most profound technical […]

Horizon goes to Techtopia 2018!

We are delighted to announce that Roma Patel, a scenographer and digital artist, who joined the Horizon Centre for Doctoral Training as a PhD student in 2013 has arranged for  […]

PhD Studentship: Horizon Digital Economy Research Institute – Horizon Centre for Doctoral Training in My Life in Data

Horizon Centre for Doctoral Training is advertising for a PhD student to carry out research in partnership with the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL). The focus of the PhD […]