
BBC News article on Mat Collishaws Thresholds

Mat Collishaws Thresholds tour continues to Bradford’s national Science and Media Museum.   Take a look at BBC News coverage here

TalentLab update

Take a look back at some of the  TalentLab updates  from 2017 – these include the work of  Nosa Eke, Lula Mebrahtu and Lwimbo Kunda, who attended residencies and were supported […]

Living with Adaptive Architecture, Lakeside Arts, University of Nottingham

The large-scale introduction of computing technologies into buildings has made architecture adaptive to its environment and its inhabitants. Systems of sensors, actuators and software have changed the way we live […]

Mixed Reality Storytelling – part 2

Did you take your models and/or any other small items to be scanned and turned into highly detailed 3D models at the National Videogame Arcade in February 2017 as part […]

Digital Tools for New Audiences – 2 workshop dates

The Digital Tools for New Audiences (DTNA) is a project that draws expertise from both Arts and Computer Science. In advance of a Digital Research week at the University of […]