
PhD Studentship in partnership with the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL)

Horizon Digital Economy Research Institute – Horizon Centre for Doctoral Training in My Life in Data PhD Studentship in partnership with the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL). Our digital […]

Horizon CDT Studentships for 2018

The technologies of digital identity and personal data raise some of the most profound technical and social challenges facing our digital society today. Our digital identities will define the interfaces […]

The Enchanted Forest gets an extension

We are delighted to receive notification that the Hullabaloo Theatre has decided to extend Roma Patel’s interactive performance installation,  ‘The Enchanted Forest’ until May 2018, due to the high demand […]

Interaction 18 – Talking with machines? – Voice UI and conversation design

Horizons Transitional Assistant Professor, Stuart Reeves will present work being done by himself, Martin Porcheron and Joel Fisher, University of Nottingham, examining how voice UIs like Amazon Echo actually come […]

Dr Ansgar Koene – BBC East Midlands interview, 29 January 2018

Watch Horizons Senior Research Fellow, Dr Ansgar Koene talk to BBC East Midlands following a call by the NSPCC for tougher laws to flag up the targeting and grooming of […]