
Algorithmic Bias – Addressing Growing Concerns, Ansgar Koene

  An article ‘Algorithmic Bias – Addressing Growing Concerns’ by Dr Ansgar Koene, Horizon Digital Economy Research, explains the aims of an IEEE Standards Project ‘Algorithmic Bias Considerations’. The article […]

Enabling Hand-Crafted Visual Markers At Scale, Designing Interactive Systems (DIS) 2017

Artcodes research grew out of a previous project called aestheticodes. Using the research from aestheticodes and partnering with designers based at Central Saint Martins and computer scientists from the Mixed […]

The Challenges of Visual-Kinaesthetic Experience, Designing Interactive Systems (DIS) 2017

The Oscillations (VR Playground) project followed Oscillate, which involved the creation of an immersive interactive artwork based on two popular entertainment technologies:  the multi millennia-old rope swing and the 21st century […]

“Proof in the Pudding”: Designing IoT Plants for Wellbeing – Designing Interactive Systems (DIS) 2017

The Growing Data project was a collaboration with Royal College of Art to explore the concept of using plant growth as a means to store and display data. This paper […]

Preview of ‘The Prediction Machine’, Liverpool, 22nd June 2017

  The Prediction Machine  is returning to FACT, Liverpool as part of The New Observatory Exhibition on the 22nd of June. The machines will be exhibited with a few new additions […]