
Ansgar Koene is the Digital Leaders East Midlands ‘Local Champion’ 2017

Dr Ansgar Koene has been announced as the Digital leaders East Midlands ‘local Champion’ 2017. Dr Ansgar Koene is Senior Research Fellow and Policy Impact lead at Horizon Digital Economy […]

VR Playground swings into success at the Norfolk and Norwich Festival

The VR Playground is proving to be a great success at the Norfolk and Norwich Festival. See here for the story so far……  

Thresholds podcast

Listen to Matt Collishaw’s podcast telling the story of Thresholds here  

The Wayward Project announces event to present results, 6th July 2107

Pressures on NHS services and challenges faced by Junior Doctors dominate headlines and cause much heated debate, but currently there is not enough analysis to really understand the issues involved, […]

VR Playground Tour – first stop at the Norfolk and Norwich Festival, May 2017

Thrill Laboratory presents the VR Playground Norfolk and Norwich Festival – Friday 12 – Sunday 28th May   WORLD PREMIERE Don a VR headset, jump on a playground swing, and […]