The Oscillations (VR Playground) project followed Oscillate, which involved the creation of an immersive interactive artwork based on two popular entertainment technologies: the multi millennia-old rope swing and the 21st century […]
The Growing Data project was a collaboration with Royal College of Art to explore the concept of using plant growth as a means to store and display data. This paper […]
The Prediction Machine is returning to FACT, Liverpool as part of The New Observatory Exhibition on the 22nd of June. The machines will be exhibited with a few new additions […]
Dr Ansgar Koene has been announced as the Digital leaders East Midlands ‘local Champion’ 2017. Dr Ansgar Koene is Senior Research Fellow and Policy Impact lead at Horizon Digital Economy […]
The VR Playground is proving to be a great success at the Norfolk and Norwich Festival. See here for the story so far……