
UK Digital Economy Crucible announce a nationwide, unique leadership programme for researchers/lecturers (1-7/8 yrs post PhD)

If you’re an early career researcher (ECR), interested in multidisciplinary research – come and join us to find out why you should apply for the UK Digital Economy Crucible – […]

Experience Invisible artwork at ‘Uncanny Christmas’ event – 10th December

Invisible… Hidden in a corner of a playground at Primary Studios, an experimental mirrored surface will reflect the people and environment around it, opening up an invisible doorway leading to another place […]

Christmas with Artcodes Advent Calendar – Workshop, Nottingham

This beautifully illustration, traditional advent calendar isn’t your standard countdown to Christmas; learn the latest in Artcode technology with a festive twist.  Register to attend our workshop at Debbie Bryan […]

Launch of Christmas with Artcodes Advent Calendar

The Horizon Artcodes project team and the Mixed Reality Lab have been working with artist Alice Angus and Proboscis on the production of a unique augumented reality Christmas Advent Calendar. […]

The Driver Not the Car – 2nd Smart Mobility Workshop (London)

Do you drive a car but worry about your impact on the environment? Do you find commuting stressful and boring, or relaxing, a time to reflect on your day? Does […]