
VISUAL: Interdisciplinary visualisation tools for the analysis and communication of big data

Big data visualisation typically happens in discipline silos with tools rarely crossing the boundaries between then. Cross-fertilisation between disciplines has significant potential to improve both the extraction of scientific understanding […]

Out of their minds: Nottingham research used in thrilling ride that adapts to riders’ brain activity

Thrill seekers brave enough to test drive a new mixed-reality ride will only have themselves to blame if they find it a little too wild for their taste. For the […]

More publicity for Horizon’s in-hospital navigation research

Kilometers of near identical corridors, patients wandering around and missing appointments, junior doctors getting lost on urgent crash calls and potentially endangering lives – hospital navigation presents a serious problem […]

Horizon researcher wins a prestigious machine learning contest

Dr Duncan Barrack, researcher in Horizon, has won a machine learning contest organised by a consortium of neural engineering institutions including the French INRIA research institute. There were over 250 […]

Navigating Around Hospitals – Radio Nottingham interview

When was the last time you went to hospital  . . . did you get lost? Navigating around hospitals, which are typically large, complex and evolving spaces, is often a […]