Funding Calls

Productivity, Prosperity and Growth ESRC Productivity Institute Call

The ESRC, on behalf of UKRI, will invest up to £32.4 million (at 100% fEC) over five years, in an independent, world-class Productivity Institute. The Institute will bring together world-leading experts from a range of disciplines and backgrounds and will work directly with relevant stakeholders, for example policymakers and businesses, enhancing the state of knowledge in the field and to inform those working to improve regional, sectoral and firm-level productivity in the UK. The Institute will deliver a thematic research programme to provide a deep understanding of the drivers of productivity including regional divergence, as well as what individuals, firms, regions and national policy can do to improve productivity. It will also enable the collection of new types of data that complement and build on existing data, forming data-rich analyses that will be the backbone of transformative social science in this field.

The deadline for outline proposals is 13th November.