Storytelling – Grow Your Own Adventure

Storytelling – Grow Your Own Adventure


Telling stories to young children is core for developing communication, language and literacy skills. In addition to listening to stories, storytelling can encourage the sharing of experiences and supports good mental health.   

During the pandemic live storytelling sessions had to be cancelled, so Makers of imaginary Worlds (MOIW) responded with ‘The Gift’, a project that created a practical resource to support parents and practitioners to be more confident storytellers.  

Following on from this work, ‘Storytelling: Grow Your Own Adventure’ – sitting under the Co-Production Campaign – aims to further help parents and others tell stories to and with children aged between 0-4 and 5-9 years old to promote confidence in storytelling and making, inspire and empower children while taking part and get away from screens. 

Work will involve the co-design and building of an easily accessible Digital Storytelling Assistant which will enable both storytellers and children to ‘grow their own adventures’.  Combining digital audio and voice interaction, the project will facilitate storytelling in physical environments including homes and community venues. Initial story packs are planned based on Little Red Riding Hood (traditional) and Undiscovered Island (a new project by MOIW). 


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