
The Driver Not the Car – 2nd Smart Mobility Workshop (London)

Do you drive a car but worry about your impact on the environment? Do you find commuting stressful and boring, or relaxing, a time to reflect on your day? Does your car have a name and personality? Do you regularly drive with your family, on the school run or family road trips? Are you a young driver but don’t own your car, use hire cars or share cars? We invite you to join in a workshop that looks at how we can make our driving, transportation and journey experiences more environmentally friendly and relaxing… leaving the boredom, frustration, road rage, family squabbles and anxious three point turns (in tiny cul-de sacs) behind us. The workshop will explore how we can design driving experiences, games and journey apps that contribute to our general well being using data from the car and the world outside the car. We will look at existing driving and journey apps and present our own new prototype designs.   There will then be an opportunity to play and test these prototype designs and design your own. A buffet lunch will be provided.