Webinar: Big Data and Social Research Ethics
27 October 2016
Online, 15.00-16.00
Big data is everywhere – or at least it seems to be. It may seem that all social research is now devoted to big data in various forms: social media, administrative data, transaction records, geo-spatial data, and more.
This dominance might be slightly exaggerated, but there is no doubt that big data raises big questions about ethics in social research:
This webinar doesn’t promise to answer all questions. However, it will offer a structured introduction to the topic, share emerging knowledge and good practice with some examples from leading big data researchers, and provide resources for more information in selected areas.
This is an introductory webinar aimed at researchers interested in big data and social research ethics.
The webinar will consist of a 30 minute presentation followed by questions and answers.
Registration at http://bit.ly/2csw1fN