Big Data for international development:
Lack of geo-demographic intelligence in the developing world can
also seriously hamper the development efforts of both government
organisations and NGOs, such as the World Bank. The team is
working with these institutions, alongside the Department for
International Development (DFID), to examine how Big Data can
assist international development.
One example project, now underway in East Africa in partnership
with TiGo, Tanzania’s second largest telecommunication company, is
applying predictability models to historical mobility data in order to
inform disaster management. Case studies include everything from
detecting failure of local water pumps in rural Tanzania, through to
assessing the behavioural impact of Dar es Salaam’s 2014 floods
(which displaced over 10,000 people and destroyed houses, roads,
bridges, public buildings and crops).
Data Science in the health sector:
The Neodemographics project team is also working extensively
with the NHS in knowledge transfer, and the application of cutting
edge techniques to the health sector. This has led to a range of
analyst training projects, such as predictive modelling of NHS bed
occupancy via machine learning. NHS researchers are now also
being hosted within Horizon, enabling the direct transfer of more
specialist knowledge.
Recently the project has been awarded further funding from the
Newton Fund to model the transmission of dengue fever in Malaysia
(occurrences of which rose in the UK by 60% in the 2014), ensuring
that Horizon’s analytics impact with the health sector continues to
For further information, please contact:
Dr James Goulding