ig data has been announced as one of the Government’s
eight great technologies with priorities for funding and
research. In June 2013, the Government published their
“information economy strategy” outlining the pivotal role big data will
play in rebuilding and strengthening the economy. This was followed
in October 2013 by “Seizing the data opportunity: a strategy for UK
data capability”.
Traditional data storage systems were not designed for real-time
analysis but new technologies can now provide live information and
data analysis can be accomplished in real-time. Social media data
offers the possibility of studying social processes as they unfold at
the level of populations as an alternative to traditional surveys or
interviews. The data from social media is described as “qualitative
data on a quantitative scale” and requires innovative analysis
The Science and Technology Committee agreed to hold an inquiry
into social media data and real time analytics. As Horizon has
been researching privacy-preserving ways to handle personal
data, we responded to their call for written evidence to the inquiry
with five pages of legal and ethical considerations, including: “The
inclusiveness of social media means that it is very easy to ingest the
personal data of vulnerable individuals... hence processing this data
requires the highest degree of care and the most stringent safety
Behind the scenes at the Information Economy Council, Professor
Derek McAuley was busy chairing a working group investigating
ways to build consumer confidence in the personal data economy
which has concluded with a recommendation for a voluntary code of
conduct and a consumer focussed “kitemark” scheme.
This combination of activities led to Professor McAuley being
invited to give verbal evidence at the House of Commons. He said:
“I approached my first select committee with some trepidation – but
the MPs wanted to learn and we were happy to oblige.”
The select committee report on November 28th 2014 entitled
“Responsible Use of Data” drew out twelve conclusions and
recommendations, with eight of those concerned with the use of
personal information and clearly identifying a “kitemark” scheme as a
progressive way forward.
For further information, please contact:
Dr Sue Jones
s.jones@nottingham.ac.ukSelect committee report:
http://bit.ly/1e2G0slShaping policy at the House of Commons